The bot I use is made from Cheap Bots Made Quick
the bot spits out a random quote from a list once a day

Quote List

  1. "The day he died was not the day I should have grieved. I lost my friend a long time ago",

  2. "This was in the original L'Manberg and it's the last thing left! None of them even care, 'Oh L'Manberg is gone' they don't even see this!",

  3. "Be worse then the people who hurt us, to the people who hurt us.",

  4. "It's time to be worse, to make the world better.",

  5. "I crawled back from hell by myself! And people just said 'that's cool', and brushed it off! But I was kılled by my best friend! Tommy was at least kılled by his enemy! That fuck didn't bring back my friend. Dream just brought back his little toy.",

  6. "He's caused every war, he's kılled me, everything I ever lost was because of him. And he's dead, which I guess should be what I want, but...I'm happy? I'm mostly happy. But it feels kind of...dull.",

  7. "That's the problem. All the time you belittle me, you dismiss me, you just forget me like I'm nothing. I'm the only person who tried to visit you in exile and you dropped me in a pool of lava! I launched nukes at you and you didn't even care!",

  8. "EVERY time I try to do my own thing, alright... I got involved and entangled in his shit! Alright? I'm sick of it. The ONLY way to stop that, is to remove him from the picture. There's NO redeeming qualities left. I've tried, I've searched for them.",

  9. "Niki, he's been through a lot but we've been through a lot too. And what we haven't done is sacrifice nations and people.",

  10. "Maybe I was always really just upset because I always felt he cared more about the discs then anyone. And I guess I just enjoyed when we were friends. And I've not really had any friends.",

  11. "Right now I look at Manifoldland, and I guess I should feel pride, but I do I fucking hate it. With every fiber of my being I never want to see this again. Ever again.",

  12. "Foolish: I hope you have a tomorrow
    Jack: Yeah I probably, hopefully will",


  14. "Why? Why did I keep fighting for them... I don't know why - maybe I just thought that maybe if I did something good, they would respect me finally.",

  15. "I finally feel like I've got my win after so many times of losing. So many times. And yet even still my win wasn't even my win.",

  16. "Aside from all the- the trauma of dying, there's no long-lasting effects. Apart from... the memories of hell. Which still... put my soul in a state of unease.",

  17. "Manifold Land consists of me, Niki, it's me, by myself - trying to do, I don't know, something!",

  18. "Everything fell apart again. Everything fell apart again, and it's because Tommy and Dream are constantly fighting like cat and fucking mouse. Which would be GREAT, if either of them were competent enough to kıll the other, but they're NOT!",

  19. "Look, I'm really happy that you've managed to find things to do, but the thing is I haven't. I haven't. I can't- I can't just do things. I can't just go and do things while he's around! EVERY time I try to do my own thing, alright... I get involved and entangled in his shit!",

  20. "People are always on about how Tommy's a child, I'm a child too! I mean I'm 18, I'm not a child, but I'm still young! I don't know what i'm doing!",

  21. "And what's Tommy doing? The same thing he always does, going after him. It's like he's not satisfied with the fact that he's locked away. He has to go and he has to start more and more chaos, and all it does is mean that everyone else loses.",

  22. "Look, I was kind of sad when he died, but he came back and I realized that my friend's been dead a very long time, Niki.",


  24. "You see that little house over there? With a fence around it? That's Manifoldland.",

  25. "My house is over there, my little nation is over there, and it's caught in the crossfire and I just wanna protect my home.",

  26. "Look at all this. Look at this beautiful home. Ze Haus, Ze Capital of Manifoldland.",

  27. "I want a big throne, a big black evil throne since clearly everyone thinks I'm an evil guy or something.",

  28. "This is really pathetic actually.",

  29. "Hey Manifoldland is still good! Yay!!",

  30. "I think we're good, I think Manifoldland is safe.",

  31. "Ayy I got a trident! ",

  32. "NO I’m not going to kıll Michael! I…. well, I was about to say murdering children is a bit beyond me but- well- look, murdering INNOCENT children IS, alright. I- I draw a line SOMEWHERE okay!",

  33. "What if we did some clever little pranks and schemes? What if we maybe just did little things? I was thinking of maybe doing a big explosive crazy plot. But that's just gonna get me kılled.",

  34. "Despite all this, we have plenty of enemies, we don't actually have any allies, no one is our friend, literally no one.",

  35. "It really hurts me to say it, but at the end of the day, Tommy was kinda all I had. Not in a sense that we were good friends particularly... more of a personal kinda way. More of a ‘everything I did was because of him’ sorta way.",

  36. "I’ve made this hotel better than you ever did! Alright? I’ve made money, I- I upgraded, I filled the upgrade chest! I- I sold rooms! What did you ever do? You did nothing! All you ever did was take.",

  37. "I came back from the dead, dickhead! You’re not special! ",

  38. "And at the end of the day, you’re my friend, Tubbo. And I live in Snowchester and I wanna make sure that this place is safe.",

  39. "If I look after this chicken like you said, this chicken that I've now adopted as my child, can we be allies and friends?",

  40. "You can be the good cop if you'd like, I'm alright to be the bad guy, I'll be worse, I always am.",

  41. "No! Don’t 'anyway' me! Don’t anyway me! You always anyway me!",

  42. "I did care! Despite the fact I was trying to kıll you for two months I grieved.",

  43. "I think it's our turn in the spotlight.",

  44. "I have time and time again- TIME AND TIME AGAIN.... had everyone I thought was my friend be the reason I lost every single thing I own.",

  45. "... you're sorry?",

  46. "I feel like I have the opportunity to get my friend back, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted.",

  47. "One time I fell through the ground and went all the way to hell, gentlemen. And you know what I did? I just came back.",

  48. "I don't need therapy, I just need to kıll children",

  49. "He will not take any more from me! No more. I am taking my boots... and I am taking his life. No more.",

  50. "I no longer wish to start again. I am now going to KlLL… the VERMIN… that is TommyInnit. Because TommyInnit is not my friend, and he has not been for a very long time. He died a long time ago.",

  51. "He said he was sorry...and I mean, he didn't just, like- say he was sorry. He like...meant it. I mean, I didn’t even realize he was really back...And he shows up at my doorstep, and he just says he's sorry.",

  52. "I just want my friends back",

  53. "He shows back up, all revived and shit… but we've been there, right? We've had friends revived, y'know? They don't come back and redeem themselves, we've seen that, but all of a sudden Wil comes back and he does? And he's nice and and he actually, genuinely seems to care?",

  54. " I was sad! I was upset! Because you died! and we were friends.",


  56. "Oh, it's the L'Manberg walls! I remember these! I remember tearing them down too but I also remember rebuilding them",

  57. "That's Ze Haus! ... before I, uh, burnt it down",

  58. "I miss that part. I miss L’Manberg. It was a lot easier when we were all friends, and Dream was, there were enemies sure, but we fought them together",

  59. "I don't think I want to visit this place. I don't think I want to look at this one. I think I want to go back. this isn't really where I wanna be.",

  60. "I'm pissed off! I'm Jack Manifold and I'm pissed! Everything I care about on this server gets blown up! or destroyed! or taken advantage of! or- or betrays me- that happens a lot.",

  61. "What does this place bring? Ever since I've been a part of the Dream SMP, what have I had?",

  62. "Everything everyone's promised me has fallen through.",

  63. "I said running the hotel was for me but look where it got me. In a room for 80 days with cobwebs and a big crate of cider from the bar I didn't finish.",

  64. "The day Tommy died I said I was done with Manifoldland because the only thing it ever stood for was trying to get rid of him and fight back, it still was about other people, but this time, I have something new in mind. something- completely different. New Manifoldland will not be there to cater for anyone else, to fight for anyone else.",

  65. "As much as I sit there and say Niki was kind and Tubbo was kind, where have they been for the past 80 days? Where has anyone been?",

  66. "I'm going to find my own little place. And I'm just gonna live.",

  67. "Tubbo has always been the one I could trust, really. Tubbo and Niki. I know Niki became an anarchist or whatever...but at least she's happy.",

  68. "It's funny what you don't tell yourself, you know. When you obsess over a person like that - even when it's hatred. Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin.",

  69. "Eventually Tubbo will move on. You don't think he will, but he will, alright? Everyone moves on. I had to.",

  70. "Niki, that was, like, our whole thing! We were like- That was what we were striving towards?! How did you just miss him dying…?!",

  71. "I liked our little duo, Niki…",

  72. "If I can't trust Niki, who the fuck else can I trust?",

  73. "The only time I see everyone together, is when something like this is going wrong. It's like the server is so fucked at this point that nobody knows how to do anything together unless it's a war.",

  74. "i just wanted to make sure everyone was okay... which is STUPID, because nobody would have done it for me!",

  75. "I just wanna have friends again. to be able to trust, and have fun, and love, and all that without fear of it all going wrong.",

  76. "What good did being here ever do? Every time I'm here and involved, I suffer and other people suffer.",

  77. "Don't even know where home is anymore.",

  78. "In that moment when he turned around and said 'Jack, I need your help', I still don't know if I'm wrong in not saying yes.",

  79. "Still hoping, somehow, that Niki would show up in the middle of the desert- and say 'Hey Jack, come home.'",

  80. "Goodbye Tommyinnit. I hope when you're in your limbo that you know so well, that you forget I know too, I hope you have enough time in there to realize why I had to do this",

  81. "death happens, it comes and goes, but the act of making him understand the pain he put me through, the lack of remorse he showed me, that's what he needs to see.",

  82. "and the sun will set on a server that will be ever so more peaceful…"

  83. "You really left me no choice, brother. You left me no choice at all.",

  84. "You know, it feels nice knowing that I'm finally going to get my win. Finally, I'm going to be the one that walks away the victor.",

  85. "Godspeed Tubbo. God-fucking-speed.",

  86. "Tubbo, you were the first person I spoke to on this server, the first thing I ever received was this and I still have it to this day. I lost everything, but I made sure I kept this.",

  87. "We can go through! I can stop this!"